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CABO Logo Database System

The CABO Database System encompasses a broad spectrum of information and analysis relevant to Chemical Agents and Agents of Biological Origin (CABO). It is a multipurpose tool designed to meet the diverse CBW information and analytical requirements of a variety of users ranging from combat forces to scientific and technical specialists. CABO is a relational database system currently consisting of eight modules designed to operate as a single integrated system. The CABO Database System is updated and expanded each quarter.


CABO COUNTRIES is a country by country compilation of significant information relating to chemical and biological warfare. With information on more than 100 countries, this module is designed to facilitate assessments regarding proliferation, possession, intentions and capabilities.

CABO WEAPONS contains descriptions of over 1400 weapons known or believed to contain CABO agents. CABO Weapons includes; dimensional data, fillers, performance data, associated hazards and other significant information. CABO Weapons also includes an efficient munition identification tool.

CABO AGENTS contains information on over 690 chemical agents, agents of biological origin, precursors, simulants and potential agents. CABO Agents includes descriptions and characteristics of the agents, toxicity levels, symptoms, etc. In addition to identifying an agent, the search tool relates percursors to potential end products.

CABO INCIDENTS contains information on over 800 worldwide incidents that allegedly involve chemical and biological warfare and terrorism. CABO Incidents contains data drawn from hundreds of wire services, periodicals, books, reports and other unclassified publications dating from 1915. CABO Incidents also includes a powerful analytical tool.

CABO PEOPLE contains information on over 800 individuals worldwide who are, have been or may be involved in chemical and biological warfare. These programs may be offensive or defensive in nature and include suppliers of CBW related materials and technology. These records contain data describing the individual, his or her education, current and former affiliations and CBW related activities.

CABO PLACES contains information on over 700 facilities worldwide that are or have been involved in chemical and biological warfare. These records contain data describing the facility, its related organizations, the personnel associated with the facility and its CBW related activities.

CABO GROUPS includes a wide variety of information on worldwide extremist organizations who are related in some manner to the use or potential use of chemical or biological agents.

CABO HAZMAT is a nifty tool for accessing the complete North American Emergency Response Guidebook (the orange HAZMAT book from DOT). The Emergency Response Guidebook is the most widely distributed source of authoritative information on what to do when an incident involves hazardous materials.

New Features

FACILITY LOCATOR: Not sure if there is a WMD facility near you? Got a GPS? Enter your location in CABO's facility's coordinates and CABO will list all known CB related facilities with one half degree of your location.

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