CABO Information Products are the most comprehensive source
of information available on Chemical and Biological Warfare &
In your profession, you need a source -- an accurate,
objective third party that can provide information to support your planning and
responses. A source that can give you the data you need ... in a format that's
easy to use ... in a timely manner. Public Safety Group's CABO Information
Products are that source. We provide the data on chemical and biological
Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) in a variety of customized formats.
- Policy
- Military
- Law Enforcement
- Intelligence
- Scientific / Technical
- Emergency Responders
- Medical Professionals
CABO-MX The Maximum capability (MX) CABO product.
Designed for Policy, Military, R&D and Intelligence Professionals, CABO-MX
provides the most complete data available on C/B Warfare, Proliferation and
CABO-LE The CABO Database System for Law Enforcement
(CABO-LE) is a fully integrated, relational database specifically tailored for
the needs of domestic law enforcement. CABO-LE marries the proven CABO software
and operating environment with the information that will be required when you
are confronted with an incident involving chemical or biological agents or
CABO-ES Recent incidents (Sarin in Tokyo, Butyric Acid in
Florida, etc.) clearly indicate the need for consequence managers and first
responders to be prepared to cope with WMD. Having instantly accessible,
accurate information under your control is a key component of this
preparedness. The CABO Database System for Emergency Services (CABO-ES)
provides the best solution available.
All CABO information products
- Comprehensive data on C/B warfare, proliferation &
- Windows (ver. 3.x through NT) environment.
- Accessing & selecting data is quick, easy and
- Fully relational design.
- Search on any combination of fields.
- Images, photographs and other graphics.
- Analytical tools.
- Fully Y2K compliant.
- Quarterly updates.
- Single-user or site license LAN versions available.
- Compatibility solutions for other platforms are

The ONLY fully integrated C/B databases
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